Ready to buy a home?
Through local partnerships, the Commission helps homebuyers learn how to purchase and maintain a home. Commission-sponsored homebuyer education seminars are the first step in purchasing a home. They are free and open to the public, include information about the Commission’s first mortgage programs, downpayment assistance, and other loan programs; and are accepted by all affordable housing loan programs as meeting or exceeding educational requirements.
Downpayment Assistance
For many people, the cash downpayment required to buy a home is a significant hurdle. We lower this barrier by offering downpayment assistance loans for homebuyers who use our mortgage programs (Home Advantage and House Key). As always, we encourage you to take a homebuyer education class and to connect with one of our trained lenders who knows our programs..
Ask Us About Down Payment
Assistance !
Find a Loan officer
Contact one of our nonprofit partners to assess your financial readiness and get you on a path to homeownership